THe Wallet
NOv 2023
Short FIlm
The Wallet is a visual supplement used for Champan University's film school application for the 2024 Fall school year. Shot and edited in 5 days. From no concept to the final piece was 7 days.
Chapman prompt: Without using dialogue, voiceover, or music with lyrics, create a film that is under two minutes about a character making a difficult decision. Show that the character is pulled in two different directions at an emotional level, visualize their process of consideration, and show that they make a decision.
Director, DP, Editor: Kaden Socrates
Talent: Rafferty Waterson, Walker Ellis, Sabrina DellaBarre, Kai Brennan
Extras: Ella Erhke, Takashi Zaw, Mia Langstein, Juju O'Brien, Donovan Wakefield, Neekou Hashemi-Nejad, Hudson Chen, Jack Pierce, Nadia Radut, Sofia Morales, Kaitlin Gautier, Sophia Rajab, Natalie Cooper, Oliver Barbone, Seph Peters, Bella Dominick